This is the standard Font, in compare.

* Copyright(c) 1995-2017, @Edtronix-LABs
* SheetUpdate : 13.aug.2017
* Author : E.Q.

This is the "quikhand" Font.

* Copyright(c) 1995-2017, @Edtronix-LABs
* SheetUpdate : 13.aug.2017
* Author : E.Q.

This is the "agendalight" Font.

* Copyright(c) 1995-2017, @Edtronix-LABs
* SheetUpdate : 13.aug.2017
* Author : E.Q.

This is the "agendamedium" Font.

* Copyright(c) 1995-2017, @Edtronix-LABs
* SheetUpdate : 13.aug.2017
* Author : E.Q.

This is the "museoslab" Font.

* Copyright(c) 1995-2017, @Edtronix-LABs
* SheetUpdate : 13.aug.2017
* Author : E.Q.